Thursday, April 30, 2009

Down in the Dumps!

Seeing the Brat enjoy her swimming lessons I had felt reassured that it will be smooth sailing for her, however, things started getting unpleasant when the trainers made them do a breadth at a stretch. She just did not have the confidence to do it. The trainers made her go through with it by force. The next day she refused to dive in and the trainers had to throw her in and I could hear her scream from the other end of the pool! Suddenly she was not enjoying herself any more and I started wondering whether I had pushed her too soon. There were some kids who gave up early but out of those who had continued till now the Brat was the loudest protester! She could do the stretch every time and still did not want to practice again. The next day she complained of a head ache and we came away early...we both cried a lot that day...I was really shattered, to see all our efforts wasted like this. I felt she will never be able to swim again. Seeing me like this the Brat relented. Yesterday she bravely jumped into and and did the stretch at the 4 and a half feet side, but when they took her to the deep side it was the same story again- bawling the Brat bawl and refusing to dive in! She, along with two other cry babies were thrown into the water and they did manage to scramble to the sides to catch hold of the edges but they were crying all the time! I was completely at my wits end- I had explained to her that she knows the basics of swimming, her trainers are good and all she needs is practice- but to no avail, she hollered away the whole time! I had to bring her back. Today they had an extra class in the morning but she had school today... and she refused to go point blank! What I observed was that all those who had learnt properly were taller than her...maybe when she grows taller she will be able to overcome her fear. I used to be afraid of the deep side too but I did not have any trainer who was willing to give me time and assistance, and unfortunately my baby could not take advantage of the opportunity that she got. I was hoping to record a video of her swimming but in all this drama I just did not have the mood. Ah well, I did try to give a good start to the brat but sometimes fate comes in the way.


Anonymous said...

Don't take it so seriously.

Swimming is mostly a recreational skill anyway. My suggestion is to not push her too hard to do something against her wishes, especially for something like this which is trivial and rather useless.

2Bs mommy said...

Diya, I would say the same - no point pushing her when she doesn't really want to. Wait untill she is ready herself otherwise no big deal. Try some other sport for her.

I believe that its our job to introduce them to the variety of activities and then we should let them pick what interests them - they will stick to it that way.

I know its something you really want her to learn dear, but if she isn't ready, there's no point pushing her.


diya said...

Yeah, I know, but it begun so very well, she was so excited about it, and it ended with her in tears...that's why I am feeling bad. My brave girl did jump into the 4 n'haf side for my sake and she did a few breadths...I know that she will pick it up by and by, but for now this whole effort has not borne fruit.
Anonymous- we do a lot of travelling and I think swimming is a very important skill to learn in life. My daughter loves the out doors and specially the sea side, so I think it will stand her in good stead if she manages to swim. May be I introduced her too soon to it. I still like to hope that she will swim without fear one day!

Madhuchanda said...

I agree, but I cannot imagine you crying over it. Don't do that. Her fear is genuine, and give her the time to overcome it at her own pace. And any case she is not afraid of the water or anything like a lot of other people.. so no worries.. this is just a temporary thing.

diya said...

I hope so, Didi. She was really howling and when she cries I automatically cry- even when I have just beaten her up! I can't help that, and add to that the humiliation of everyone laughing at your child- sure shot formula for a crying Diya!

Madhuchanda said...

Now who was laughing at her? what a mean thing to do.. that really breaks my heart too.

Rohit said...

Diya don't you think nowadays parents are putting children under tremendous pressure well before the suitable age? I agree with the first comment,don't force her to do the things she is not prepare for. And don't compare your child with others!

diya said...

Didi-the help at the changing room and some of the other pushy parents. Even we were laughing at the cry babies at the begining, but we were also trying to encourage them by saying stuff like, " why are you crying? you are dfoing quite well " etc.
Rohit- She was enjoying it in the begining, so I thought probably I had put her in at the right time...actually I tried to learn swimming pretty late and I thought that was the reason that I could not learn properly...I thought if my daughter gets the right opportunity then she might be able to swim properly. Yeah, maybe I was impatient. she is not entirely put off, she does want to splash about in the play pool still, so there is hope, still.

Usha said...

I know how it is - you think things are going well and then an unexpected setback. Just give it a break. She will ask for it on her own. Otherwise gently persuade her again. It must have been the initial scare of being thrown unexpectedly.